What’s the truth now?

‘Weathered’ by Creed was removed from the playlist and I totally understand why I initially added it to the playlist and why I removed it again.

There are some good songs on this album. There are some not so good songs. Overall, it’s a bit inconsistent.

I was glad to see that I had removed this album from the list. It is right for me to not want to listen to it again.

She was your woman

But she was my girl.

You’ll remember from February 2021 that ‘Ours’ was a favourite song.

I honestly thought I’d been more appreciative of this album last year when I first listened to it. However, I appear to have claimed it was not genius.

And perhaps, it isn’t. But it is a complete album of new songs for 2001 where nothing made me angry and I believe every song was music.

Every time a song from this album came on the playlist, I enjoyed it. Every song I listened to today, I enjoyed.

I found myself singing along to songs and isn’t that key to a good album?

Old and New

I was always unsure about ‘New Old Songs’ by Limp Bizkit because I said that the songs had to be new in 2001 and this album isn’t new songs.

I allowed it because it was new arrangements and included new songs.

Honestly, I’ve never listened to another Limp Bizkit album and this one does feel a bit like cheating because it’s singles. And singles are often the best of a group and may not represent the truth of their music.

It’s a hard decision because I love this album but it’s not new songs. It’s not an album, it’s a collection of singles. The truth of the matter is I’m also going to have to remove OutKast from the playlists as well. I loved the OutKast album but it was also a collection of singles. The difference is, of course, I’ve listened to and loved OutKast albums so I already know I enjoy them.

It is a sad time but it is a true fact that needs to happen.

Everything will be just fine

So today I did listen to Bleed American by Jimmy Eat World.

This is a great album. The Middle is an excellent song and is a positive song reminding me that it doesn’t matter what people think of me as long as I’m true to myself. It also claims that everything will be just fine, everything will be alright.

Even as we begin petrol shortages to go along with the rise in energy costs and food costs and wars in Europe.

It’s a very sing-along-able album.

Writing History

I didn’t listen to an album today because I was due to listen to ‘Bleed American’ by Jimmy Eat World.

You’ll remember that the title was changed after the 11th September 2001 attacks.

Today, another war began and I decided not to listen to an album affected by the beginning of the 2001 war which super affected my life.

The 2001 attacks on America were not the beginning of the conflict. I want to be really careful about what I write but I also want to be clear about my understanding and beliefs. America was bombing Iraq on the 10th of September 2001. The destruction of the twin towers on the 11th was not justified. It was horrendous and immoral. The attacks on Iraq before the 11th were also immoral. Much of the attacks after the 11th were immoral.

When we look to Afghanistan, I doubt many can justify anything that happened there. The West invaded and killed….for freedom…and then left…for freedom. Where is the freedom?

During RE classes, mostly in 2001, we were taught about the concepts of ‘Just’ wars. The great World Wars were seen as Just. And I believe them to be. Because there was a situation where certain groups of people were begin demonised and killed.

When I began this blog, whenever many years ago, I wrote as someone from the future who lived in a cube orbiting the dying earth looking back on history.

I wonder how the future will judge us on the events of today.

Will they say ‘Russia are the bad guys’? Will they then question the financial links between the UK and Russia? Will they question the results of the Scottish Independence Vote and the Brexit Vote? Will they remember when I was so against the word ‘Brexit’? Will they question why Donald Trump was so shocked to have lost an election despite his love of the ‘genius’ Putin? (future scholars will need to research Trump’s remarks on how much of a genius Putin is to have declared parts of Ukraine independent so that invading it wasn’t illegal).

To all the future people, I want to repeat the words of a guy in the Ukraine who I heard speak today ‘The war started in 2014 and never went away’. Don’t let anyone fool you into believing 2022 was the beginning. You can document it through news articles or even Eurovision. Ukraine v Russia has been an ongoing situation that we ignored.

So perhaps, here we are at the beginning of the 3rd (recognised) world war. I’ll listen to Bleed American tomorrow.

Too Little, Too Late

I really enjoyed this album the first time I listened to it last year. Hoobastank by Hoobastank is only 40 minutes long so last year I listened to it three times and this year I listened to it twice.

The first time I listened to it today, I wasn’t into it. The second time I was sort of into it. This album is clearly a grower.

I don’t think it’s as awesome as I thought last year when I listened to it three times. Perhaps, if I’d listened to it again I’d think it should go on the playlist.

But with only 2 listens, I’ve decided to take it off the playlist.

No matter how hard I try

I was really harsh to Cher last year when I first listened to the album ‘Living Proof’. It was in the early days when I allowed myself to put some songs from the album on the playlist even if I didn’t like the album.

Therefore, when I changed the rules, Cher was immediately taken from the playlist.

And I was right to do so. Yes, I was harsh to her and it wasn’t as terrible an album as I claimed. But it isn’t good!

I’m sorry, Cher.


Firstly, I am crazy behind on listening to albums from 2001 which were listened to last year. I listened to ‘A Funk Odyssey’ By Jamiroquai on the 5th Feb 2021. So, even though I’m only listening to albums that originally made it to the list I have still managed to become 15 days behind.

I have listened to or ignored 26 albums from 2021.

A Funk Odyssey is an album where every song is a banger. It’s an excellent album and there should be more Jamiroquai everywhere.

Food and rethinks

I do wonder about how sensible my early morning listening sessions were last year. Or maybe it was because it was early in the year and I was listening to songs which I already enjoyed.

I wonder if because of the awesomeness of the new music from 2001 that I listened to it’s made the music I remembered from 2001 seem pretty bland.

So, although Feeders ‘Echo Park’ was on the playlist from the beginning and remained all the way to the end. On the playlist for a year and 16 days. Today is the final day it’s on the playlist.

There are some great songs on the album- Buck Rogers is awesome, no doubt. But it’s pretty normal for most of the time. And perhaps, before, I thought it was ok to have an album with some awesome and some ok…but apparently, that’s not how albums have to be.