Microscopic Worms

‘Foreverandevermore’ by Brian Eno was number 32 this morning when I listened to it.

I ignored number 42 which was Kodaline’s album ‘Our Roots Run Deep’ because it’s a live album and I’m not really a fan of live albums.

The Pitchfork review says that Brian Eno has taken an unconventional approach to this album and boy! unconventional is right!

This album is about climate change and how we really need to sort ourselves out which is a good message and you know how much I love protest songs!

I was listening to Moist Cr1tical (because I’m young and hip like that). He was talking about how obviously climate change is a problem but climate protesters who do stupid stunts do more to turn people away from talking about climate change. If climate change conversations become something only the crazy do, then people aren’t going to do anything about climate change.

‘Foreverandevermore’ is a depressing and maudlin album. I suppose that’s how Brian Eno is feeling about the environment and the world at the moment.

Unfortunately, it didn’t make me sad, it made me bored. And that’s not going to save the microscopic worms either. We need to be having proper conversations, unfortunately, we don’t have a representative in the global environmental talks but our Prime Minister sucks (I’ve decided not to name the Prime Minster because it doesn’t matter the last 5 (at least) have sucked). Why doesn’t someone glue themselves to him and then force him on a plane to Cop27?